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3 Signs It's Time to Fertilize Your Lawn

May 22, 2023

A beautiful lawn is one of the first things people see when they approach your home. Unfortunately, approximately 31% of Americans with lawns or landscaping say they're unaware of how to grow a healthy and lush lawn, according to the National Association of Landscape Professionals. Using a powered spreader can quickly fertilize a lawn and bring it back to life. Read on for three signs it's time to fertilize your lawn.

1. Seasons Are Changing

As the seasons change, it may be time to give your grass some extra nutrients. As you transition into spring and summer, your lawn grass may need extra feed, as more intense growth is usually right on the horizon. If winter is about to approach and you expect snow or frost, a lawn care professional can give your lawn one last feed from a powered spreader. Doing so could also be a helpful way to ensure the grass survives the wintertime.

2. Grass Is Growing Too Slow

Does it seem like it's taking forever for your lawn to finally grow? While grass usually grows on its own, it does need help from you or your lawn care professional. If your grass is growing too slowly, it's time to give it more hydration and more nutrients. Just like other plants, your grass needs certain vitamins to make sure it constantly grows as it should. The grass may need more nitrogen or phosphorus. Shooting feed with your powered spreader will evenly feed the grass and you should start seeing growth again.

3. Lawn Is Changing Color

Healthy grass should always be a nice, lush green color. When you start seeing a color change to yellow or brown, it could signal many things that some good fertilizer can help fix. In many cases, your grass may be nutrient-deficient. When grass lacks vital nitrogen or has an off pH level, it can easily make it turn yellow. Test the soil to see how much additional nitrogen the grass needs. Then, adjust your fertilizer accordingly. You may need to use a different fertilizer or increase the amount to ensure the right nutrient balance. Don't forget to check the area for weeds, as they can also suck nutrients out of the ground. A good fertilizer can also help keep those weeds away.

These are three reasons to feed your lawn as soon as possible. From color changes to lack of growth, these are signs it's time to use a quality
powered spreader. Contact our local fertilizer equipment team at Power Spreaders today to get the right spreader for your lawn.

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